
Orthoptera Species File

in Literatur & Links 10.08.2010 16:29
von Franziska • 28 Beiträge

The Orthoptera Species File is a taxonomic database of the world's Orthoptera (grasshoppers, locusts, katydids and crickets), both living and fossil. It has full synonymic and taxonomic information for more than 25,290 valid species, 42,290 scientific names, 164,100 citations to 12,400 references, 68,200 images, 188 sound recordings, 77,000 specimen records, and keys to 2,800 taxa.

PS: Startbild ist übrigens Toni Koschuhs Podismopsis styriaca
PPS: Das gleiche gibt es auch für Mantodea, Phasmatodea und Blattodea

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